my eyes were hit by fingernails and my vision blurred

my eyes were hit by fingernails and my vision blurred


Even if your eyes are not flushed, there are blurred vision signs that should not underestimate your condition, so you should immediately see a doctor to learn more. Because there are several medical conditions due to trauma to the eye (blunt) can develop into a more serious disease.
Trauma to the eye can cause injury or inflammation to the surface of the eyeball, as well as the inside of the eyeball that does not appear from the outside. Also, when foreign objects such as hand nails come into contact with eyeballs, they have the potential to cause invasion germs and contamination.
when eye injury is not accompanied by complaints of blurred vision, bleeding, or pain when moving the eyeball so you can try to overcome it first by compressing cold water, but just paste it does not need to be compressed.
However, because of what is experienced accompanied by blurred vision complaints, it is better to immediately see an ophthalmologist so that it can be ascertained whether the conditions require or do not require special measures to prevent a much more severe condition.
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