Eye Healthy
How long does the healing of the cornea scratch or corneal abrasion on the eye?
How long does the healing of the cornea scratch or corneal abrasion on the eye?
How long does the healing of the cornea scratch on the eye?
The cornea is the part that is the layer that lines the front of the eye. Therefore, it can be prone to abrasions or in medical terms called corneal abrasion. Scratch can be caused by several things including:
Exposed to dust (friction with foreign objects)
The activity of rubbing the eyes is too tight
use of softens
Nail scratches
Or exposed to makeup tools.
Dry eyes
Untreated corneal abrasion can progress to more severe conditions such as a corneal ulcer. Treatment depends on the condition of the cornea. The corneal abrasion can be mild or deep, deeper damage requires handling the special attention. For this reason, your condition should be examined by an ophthalmologist to find out how far your cornea is, and how to treat it according to the condition of your cornea based on the results of the examination. Some things you need to pay attention to:
Check the conditions further.
Follow the handling advice from the ophthalmologist after the examination.
Wear protective goggles while in an open space or while exercising.
maintain hand hygiene.
Avoid rubbing your eyes.
Avoid using contact lenses.
Avoid using excessive makeup on the eyes.
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