Every morning my eyes hurt like squeezed, it hurts so much

Every morning my eyes hurt like squeezed, it hurts so much

Every morning my eyes hurt like squeezed, it hurts so much, it happens every day around 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning, and it will take a long time about 2 or 3 hours, I am also an anemic sufferer, is it a symptom of glaucoma?


 The eyes pain every morning, can be caused by:

Optical neuritis
A migraine

We recommend that you do a special eye examination with an ophthalmologist in your area. Please check the presence of an ophthalmologist in your city/region.

Glaucoma is a condition in which there is an increase in pressure in the eye and results in obstruction in the form of eye pain, headaches, red eyes, nausea, and another vomiting.

Anemia and glaucoma are not interconnected and can be a walking disorder.

Our advice:

First, make sure the cause of your eyes hurts
Also, do an examination of sinusitis
Get enough rest every day
Avoid alcohol use
Limit the use of your eyes so they are not tired
Regularly correct glass eyes if you wear them

So, hopefully, it can help

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