Every time my husband blinks his right eye can't close perfectly,

Every time my husband blinks his right eye can't close perfectly, and his eyes feel sore and often runny. I wonder why? How to handle it?


The eyelids that cannot close perfectly are known as lagophthalmos. If the eyes cannot close completely, the eyes become dry so they feel pain. This dry eye triggers the production of tears to wet the eyes, so the patient will experience watery eyes. Some causes of lagophthalmos are:

Eye injury
Bell's Palsy

Guillain-Barre syndrome

To find out what happened to your husband, of course, a direct examination is needed by the doctor. Please suggest to your husband to see a doctor. In addition to knowing your husband's complaints further, the doctor needs to check your husband. Further treatment can only be determined by the doctor after knowing the cause. For a while, suggest your husband to use eye drops containing artificial tears to prevent dry eyes. Avoid exposure to air and air pollution.

I hope this information is helpful.

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