Detection of Dangerous Diseases through Eyes
The eyes are the five important senses contained in our body. In addition to vision, iris can also show our health, are we healthy? Let's look at diseases that can be detected through the eyes:
1. Diabetes Disease
Diabetes is one of the diseases that the blood vessels in the eye to be clearly visible and the lens of the eyes cloudy. This is due to the high blood sugar content in our blood which causes the blood vessels in the retina to rupture. In addition, if not maintained and treated, this diabetes can cause permanent blindness.
2. Hypertension or High Blood
Hypertension can be seen through silvery arteries. The silvery color of the eyes is caused by narrowed, leaking, and tightened blood vessels due to excessive pressure and will be sustained until blindness if not maintained and treated.
3. High cholesterol
If your cholesterol is high, a sign that can be seen in the eye is that there is a white ring around the iris. This white ring is known as "Arcus Senilis", which causes this sign is due to the presence of fat deposits in the cornea, said Oliver Backhouse, one of the eye surgeons at Yorkshire Eye Hospital. This white ring-like sign can be eliminated by treatment as well as better lifestyle changes and healthy food.